Thursday 26 May 2016

What was Judas's Sin?


King David after committing murder and  adultery pleaded with the Lord NOT to take away the Holy Spirit!  He realized that losing or grieving the Holy Spirit was a death sentence.  Today that is so true.

Jesus explained this in part in Matthew 12:40 when He said that the unclean spirit comes back and finds the house Empty he goes and gets 7 more unclean spirits so that in the end the person is far, far worst than in the beginning.  He can not come back to Christ Hebr: 6:6 as Christ would have to be re-crucified again and that is NOT going to happen ever.

That is one reason that we must always respect and fear God and to work out our salvation with much fear and trembling, Philippians 2:12

There are 3 major sins that we all have to watch out for:  

1.  Sex or adultery.

2.  Love of Money or Greed

see Matthew 16:24 Jesus said if you want to follow after me you must deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me.  also Matthew 6:24 you can not serve two masters and Matthew 6:21 show me where your treasure is and I will show you where your heart is.

3.  Ego or Power - thinking that we are something which we are not

All of the above sins have one thing in common.  SELF

As a Christian if you want to follow after Christ you MUST deny your SELF, pick up your cross and follow Christ.  Matth 16:24

Thus being a Christian is completely opposite to the things of the world and we must be on guard for these in ourselves and in others.

People, God sees and knows everything.  We MUST NOT GRIEVE the Holy Spirit or He will leave us and we will be finished.  so we must work out our salvation with much fear and trembling

Does God Heal People?

I believe 100% that God can and does heal people.  But if a person really has the gift of healing then we will see that the blind can see and the lame can walk.

We can heal ourselves in many things just by believing.  We can not how ever fix a broken liver or eyes or lower our cholesterol level.  Only God can do that.

There is a very, very, very powerful thing in this world and in us called the 

Placebo Effect

This is a way more than just sugar pills.  I refer you to the Nature of Things:  Brain Magic:  The Placebo Effect and the book called the Placebo Effect.

As a retired nurse I was blown away by what I saw.  It is incredibly powerful effect.  It has been used for 100's of years to fool people.  Your pain may go away.

If a person does not have documented healing of real medical conditions like liver or organ complete repair, or other physical things then it is most likely the Placebo Effect.  People who want to get better are given pills and told that they will help them.  They start seeing results and when they are told that the pills are only sugar they still do not want to give them up as they believe that they are helping them.

Again, I am not saying that God doesn't heal but you must first rule out the Placebo Effect.  Drug companies hate the Placebo Effect as it really messes up their studies.

This is Important:

Now when someone says that they have the gift of healing compare side by side what they can do to what Jesus or Paul did regarding healing and the Placebo Effect.  If it appears a certain way, it usually is.

We all want to give Jesus the praise and glory in all things.  He also told us to TEST ALL THINGS.

What was Judas Iscariot's Sin?

We find this in John 12 when Mary anoints the Lord with expensive spikenard.  Judas Iscariot  comments why wasn't this sold for 300 denari and the money given to the poor?   He did this not because he cared about the poor but because he kept the money purse and used to take for himself what was put into it.

In no particular order as it is difficult to order them,

1.  He refused to follow Jesus's teaching about helping the poor
2.  He refused to deny him SELF
3.  He was not thankful for being chosen (the thankless will not enter God's Kingdom 1 Cor 6)
4.  He had no respect for God -  you don't lie to or steal from someone you respect
5.  He was a thief 
6.  He betrayed Christ

Judas Iscariot like all of the other 11 disciples had been given the power earlier to heal and to cast out demons from people.  They all agreed that Jesus was the SON OF GOD.  So he grieved the Holy Spirit and it left him but then Satan entered him.  He was Not working out his salvation with much fear and trembling.  The Apostle Paul was given the Gift of Healing but Never writes about his ability to forgive sins.  Only God can forgive us our sins, no any other person on this earth can do that.  Matthew

Ask yourself how much money did Judas take for himself?  Did he wear the finest Italian sandals, the finest robes, etc?  No.  Everyone would have seen that.  Therefore he stole a tiny amount of money compared to what some people are taking for themselves today.  People who do this are thieves no matter how much they take.

A beautiful thing today in the USA but not in Canada is that you can Google the Net Worth of somebody.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

What does the Apostle Paul think about People using Christ to get Rich?

I will use 1 Tim 6.  Tim is told to TEACH AND EXHORT these thing.

"If any man teach otherwise and consent NOT to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing , but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmising. " 3,4

Stop for a moment.  What are the sound teachings of Jesus?  see Mathew

"You can not serve two masters"

"If you want to follow after me You must deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me"

"Show me where your treasure is and I will show you where your heart is"

Also Gal 3 about preaching a different Gospel

Now we return to 1 Tim 6 5-21

"Perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: 


"But godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  Having food and raiment let us be there with content"

But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition"

"For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

"But thou O man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness"

Please read the rest of this chapter in you bible.

The Apostle Paul said it well.

Remember this:


Benny Hinn's Betrayal of Christ

I recall seeing Hinn speaking about bring tithing into his Church to get more money in Mississauga, Ontario, back in the 70's.  Many members on the board did not agree with him.  See my post of tithing.  This is NOT sound New Covenant Doctrine to preach tithing.  It violates the teachings of Jesus, it is not found in the NT, it violates the Doctrine of Justification by Faith.

Some time after this, he started claiming that he had the gift of healing.  It is most possible he used the very false doctrine called "name it and claim it".  You can not claim spiritual gifts.  They are given to us by God.  People are again mis-quoting scripture here.

You can't will yourself to have the gift of healing.  If you have it you will do things that greatly exceed the Placebo Effect.  In over 30 years it has never been documented and he would surely be telling you so if it had happened.  He should have 10,000's of these if he really had the gift of healing.

I truly wished that Hinn had the gift of healing.  My wife and I went to his Toronto show in 1997.  I watched the body language of David Mainse from 100 Huntley St.  who did NOT want to be there and left as early as he could.  Then we listened to Hinn's personal doctor (why would he need one?) speak for 10 min on a rare condition that a person on the stage claimed Hinn had healed him of in New York.  If is so rare I asked myself, how is it that you seem to know so much about it.  It seem to me to have been a "plant" or a phoney paid for healing claim.  I wonder just how many people he hires to do this at his shows?  Some people post that Hinn stays away from people in wheelchairs.  I did not feel at any time that the Holy Spirit was with Hinn and I had just received the anointing of the Holy Spirit (like D. L.  Moody  this is not to be confused with the baptism of the HS which I received era 1980).  We deeply regretted going there.  On line searched yielded terrible complaints.

Wake up please.  Look at how Jesus and Paul healed people.  Blind and Lame people and ALL sick people were healed.  see   Mark 6:53 all were healed

Look at the Placebo Effect:  Limited but big

Look at Benny Hinn:  Same as Placebo but No documented healings

Conclusion:  Placebo Effect - Not the Holy Spirit.  He totally contradicts sound Christian Scriptures.

Net Worth: $42,000,000.00  To get that much money he would have had to pay himself over


"For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

That means that he has taken the FOOD out of the mouths of over 300,000 children where this money was sent in to help people.  How many other people in this organization have gotten rich?


Do you really believe that the HS would NOT be grieved by such a person and leave that person?

In short, HE IS A CON MAN.  A lover of himself, a lover of money.  2 Tim 3.2

He is also a false prophet.  Remember the 1994-5 Hinn said that all homo sexuals will be burnt up by God?

It didn't happen.  So he should be stoned according to the OT.

What are you to do?  

1 Tim 6:5       From such withdraw your selves.  

He is preaching a different gospel than Paul and Christ did.

Because he is also preaching a different gospel this must be addressed by the Churches.  Most remain silent rather than to expose such a person.  Why?  It is not just because he is preaching for "his belly sake" but rather Hinn is preaching a different gospel period.  He is not alone in this regard

Because they refuse to love the truth, I God will send you a powerful delusion that you will believe the lie.  2 Thes 2:11

There will come a time that they will NOT put up with sound doctrine and gather a great number of teachers to tell them what their itching ears want to hear. 2 Tim 4:3

We are in the end time and will see such things as this.

Next blog:  The Ten Commandments are for today also.

next False teachings and doctrines that you must avoid.

Friday 20 May 2016

Are we required to Tithe in the Christian Church?

Why bother with Doctrine anyway?  

 Paul told Tim to guard his life and his doctrine well as it will save both himself and others.  I believe also that I should share what I have learnt for the edification of believers.

Here are some verses which we must keep in mind which looking at doctrine and our lives:

We must work out our salvation with much fear and trembling.  Philip 2:12

Paul stated:  If I desire the praises of men, I can not be a servant of Christ. Gal 1:10  We All should be servants of Christ and no more.

Jesus said:  That which you do to the least in my kingdom, you have done unto me.

Also, a little yeast (sin) works its ways though the whole batch.  and from Numbers:  Make sure that your sin finds you out.

We have to be on guard for people preaching a different gospel  Gal

We must walk in Love and the Truth.  We must Test all things.  In doing so, we must use the scriptures to do so.  As we are under the New Covenant (ie. New Testament see Jer 31:31) that is what must be used.   If God wanted us to be under the Old Covenant He would Not have given us the New Covenant in Jesus's Blood.  In this case, Old means replaced by the New.  Heb: the Old Covenant is now OBSOLETE.

We now have new rules on giving.  See Hebrews 7:12, Paul says where there is a change in the Priesthood there must be a change in the Law.---Jesus was from the tribe of Judah not Levite and is our High Priest ...

We are NOW under the Law of Christ VERSE the Law of Moses -Paul

The Apostle Paul was the leading teacher that the Gentile were NOT to be put under the Law of Moses.  As they say, History does repeat itself. (Acts 15, Galatians).

Heb 7:5  You Levites collect tithes under the Law (of Moses).

 You can not use the rules of the Old Covenant to justify tithing.  

The Old Covenant is known as the Jewish Law and you do NOT EVER to be under the Law as if you want to keep one part of the Law you have to keep ALL of it or you will be under a curse.  see Deut

but ...Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law and became a curse for us as it is written ... Cursed is he who is hung on a tree.

OLD COVENANT - UNDER THE LAW     not applicable to Gentiles or Jews any more.                                                                                             Sometimes called the Law of Moses ..Now Obsolete

NEW COVENANT -  UNDER GRACE      current for Jews an d Gentiles - 1 Cor 9:21 Under the                                                                      law towards Christ (but not the Jewish Law Acts 15:28)
                                                                 Rom 6:14 You are not under law but grace. ie the Law of                                                                    Christ

The scriptures are the Truth.

Protestant = those that Pro-test

We pro-test because of doctrines made by men and not by God (found in the Bible) from the Church of Rome.  These false doctrines can lead to the loss of your salvation and 

Jesus warned us: 

"In vain do you worship me, taking as doctrine the commandments of men.  

When Constantine, the Emperor of Rome around 318 AD took over the "Christian Church"  he did the unthinkable.  He ignored the second commandment (see Exodus 20 - ie do not make any images) and replaced the existing images that the Romans worshipped with Jesus, Mary, etc.  

This makes that Church a PAGAN CHURCH and NOT a Christian Church.  

Considering that the Great I AM gave Moses these Laws in the first place they are not following the teachings of Jesus. 

Jesus in the Gospel of John said that He was the I am. 

Constantine was a Pagan worshipper and never a Christian.  

Any doctrine after about 500 AD from this group of people is most likely wrong.  

Before that time, is the doctrine that we basically follow: ie what Augustine taught except the above and calling people priests and fathers.  That is forbidden. 

 Here is an example:  Around 496 AD Pope Gelinas 1 said speaking excathedrally  ie from God concerning the Lord's supper, you must take both the wine and the bread or you take nothing.  We agree with that however the group called the Schoolmen changed all of that and the cup is withheld from the people and they added a whole lot more false teachings.

This is important, there is only one intercessor between God and Man and that is Jesus. 

Jesus is the MEDIATOR of the New Covenant Heb 8

Therefore we pray only to Jesus and to no one else.  Why even think of praying to anyone else when you can pray to the TOP.

It should be of no surprise to anyone where this false doctrine came from and when....

Where did Tithing originate in the New Covenant?

While the New Testament contains no explicit command to tithe, many have argued that this relationship between the Levites and the other tribes of Israel prefigures how Christians should provide for their ministers. This view of tithing, known as parallelism, gained prominence in the church around the sixth century.

Many non-Jewish and pre-Christian societies also practiced tithing-like giving. Some ancient sources describe how kings imposed a type of first-fruits tax to maintain holy shrines and support clergy. From Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonia to the temples of Apollo in Delphi and Athena in Athens, pre-Christian centers of worship collected tithes for their gods. Ancient cultures as disparate as the Greeks and Chinese—including the Arabians, Phoenicians, Romans, and Carthaginians—gave in ways mirroring the tithe. Some scholars believe ancient cultures hit on the seemingly arbitrary figure of one-tenth because they often did calculations on their fingers.The early church's views on tithing foreshadowed many of today's stewardship debates. The Eastern Church began tithing out of obligation because they believed Jesus' conversation with the rich young man demanded sacrificial generosity. Clement of Alexandria and Irenaeus pleaded with the church to surpass even the Old Testament tithe since Christ had freed them from the Law.

Later church fathers—John Chrysostom, Cyprian, Origen, and Augustine among them—complained from time to time that their followers lacked Christian charity. Chrysostom even shamed his stingy church for marveling at those who tithed. He contrasted their amazement with the dutiful giving of Old Testament Jews.

The early church's expectation that every Christian would tithe found formal expression at the Synod of Mâçon in 585, which embedded the practice in canon law. A millennium later, the Council of Trent sharpened this law's teeth: it provided for excommunication if any Catholic declined to contribute his tithe. This, despite the stain in the Church's monetary record that Luther had so recently uncovered in his critique of papal indulgences.

Post-Reformation Europe, however, didn't do much better: in the centuries after Luther, secular governments often acted on behalf of the churches by collecting mandatory tithes. These more closely resembled American property taxes than Jewish monetary offerings.

Without a state-imposed tithe, giving in the United States developed quite differently than in Europe. American church leaders have often emphasized the New Testament's command to give freely and cheerfully, which some leaders have cited to advocate giving less or even more than ten percent. As a result, tithing has been practiced only sporadically in the modern church, though some revival has been seen in recent decades among Baptists and elements of the Wesleyan holiness movement and Pentecostalism.

The New Priesthood

Jesus is the new High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek  Heb

We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit   Cor

We are a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood  Peter

The Levites did not pay tithes.  Tithes were collected from the people for them.

Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, NOT Levi

Therefore WE are the new Priesthood.

Thus where there is a Change in the Priesthood there must be a Change in the Law Heb 7

Thus we are under new rules when giving.  This nullifies the use of the Old Covenant.  We are now under the Law of Christ - Paul Gal 6:2 VERSE being under the Law of Moses

Fundamentals that Must be used when examining this doctrine:

1.  We are under Grace and Not under the Law Eph, Rom 6:14, ect We are under the Law of Christ

2.  We are under the New Covenant and Not the Old Covenant, thus only the New Testament or the New Covenant scriptures are to be used.  The Law changed because the Priesthood changed.

3.  We operate in the spirit by faith and again are not under the Law. Rom 8, Rom 6:14

4.  The Doctrine of Justification by Faith to be used as a test criteria.  If we assume that tithing is correct and it violates this fundamental Doctrine then it proves that tithing is NOT correct.  In doing so it is clearly SIN as if it is NOT by faith it is SIN. Rom 14:23 Rom 1 and all of Romans and most of what Paul wrote.  The just shall live by faith Rom 1:17 we give according to our abilities and including self denial which is a very important commandment from Jesus

5.  Tithing was used in the Old Covenant to support the very large Levitical Priesthood. (see Heb 7:5).
You Levites collect tithes under the Law.   Today the Christian believers are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and we are the Royal Priesthood.  Different Priesthood = Different Law

This is important:  Telling people that they MUST Tithe puts them under the Law of Moses

6.  The Apostle Paul and others never mentioned tithing in the New Covenant.  Paul was the most knowledgeable person on the Law.  Neither is it mentioned in the Reformation Church doctrine.

7.  The results of the Council of Jerusalem Acts 15:  Gentiles are not under the Law and we must remember the poor.

8.  Tithing is the under the Law.  Heb 7.5  Tithing puts you under a Curse from God as you must keep all of the Law of Moses.  If you don't you are put under a curse.

9.  It violates the sound teaching of Jesus:- re Matt 16:24  If you want to follow after me you must deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me. If you earn a million per year and give a tenth then you clearly are Not denying yourself.

1 Tim 6:17  Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.  Let them do good works ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life.

Ah tithing. A subject sure and dear to the hearts of many.  Strictly speaking it only means a tenth but let us examine this subject further.  Christians should be encouraged to give but how much and why?

Saved by Grace: 

What does this mean?  Paul writes that it is the Grace of God our Father that we are saved.  Not by works of man or woman but the by the Grace of God.  see.Eph  2.8  This is part of the Law of Christ.

I want to introduce the most important Christian Doctrine in the New Testament after Grace. The doctrine Justification by Faith.  You can Google this and get a ton of information.  Basically Paul taught that by faith if we believe that Christ died for our sins and after 3 days God raised him from the dead to sit at his right hand.  We must repent of our sin and ask God our Father to forgive us and to accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.  This doctrine of faith is called Justification by Faith as an example starts with Abram.  You will find it throughout the bible. ex Only the sons of Abraham by faith shall inherit the kingdom of God.  Gal 3

Prior to Jesus, it was the Jewish Law that was in effect or so it appeared.  Faith was still the prime force. 

There was no greater Apostle than Paul about the knowledge of the law yet he preached that the gentiles were not under the law. Only under faith and grace and We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  He Never preached tithing but we are to give according to our ability.  We also have other rules from Christ to follow regarding giving and living.  We must give joyfully.

Then we must follow the teachings of Jesus. I will use this important doctrine later.  

If it is not by faith, then it is sin. Rom 14:23

 Remember:  We can Never take the "I" out of sin.

 At the council of Jerusalem in Act 15 it was decreed that the gentiles are not under the law and that we must remember the poor.  

Here is the catch 22 of the Law. 

 Deut 27:26   Cursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law by observing them"

When I read that I run as fast as I can back to Grace. I do NOT want to be under a curse from God. No one except Jesus has kept all of the law.

Therefore you are not obligated to donate 10% under the Law.  The Jews actually donated about 22%.

Rom 6:14 For sin shall not be the master over you, for you are not under the law but under grace

Rom 7:6  released from the Law

Gal 5:18  If you are led by the Spirit you are not under the Law.

Now we have different rules under The Law of Christ

Paul stated that we must give according to our abilities.  2 Cor 8:3

We give joyfully.

Jesus stated:  If you want to follow after me you  must deny your selves pick up your cross and follow me.  Matthew: 16:24          
To whom much is given, much is expected!  Luke 12:48

and  "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God."  Matthew 19:24

We must provide for our House (of Worship) and the staff. 1 Tim 5:8.  We have the house where we live and a house were we worship.

This means some people will have to give a lot more that 10%.  Some less but only what they can afford. Thus tithing violates the clear teaching of Jesus


Remember the woman at the temple gave a few small coins but she gave all that she had.  Jesus said that she gave more than the others.  Luke 21: 1-4

If you earn $1 000 000. per year a tithe is $100 000.  You therefore surely are not denying yourself.

If you earn $35 000. then you would be hard pressed to give more than $1500.  It would be a terrible burden to give $3 500 per year and still pay your rent, food, support for foster children,  ect.  $40k per year is now considered the poverty level in Canada

No where in the New Testament does it tell you to tithe as it is under the Law of Moses and we are under the Law of Christ.

Heb 7:5  You Levites collect tithes under the law.  

Thus, tithing is the Law and we are not under the law.  Every pastor should know this and teaching this sound doctrine

Christ fulfilled  the law in his flesh. Matt 5:17         Do not let people put you under a curse. Gal


We must give to the church and support it. We are under Grace and not under the Law.  We are under the New Covenant and NOT the Old Covenant but The Ten Commandments are still applicable.

Now what about those people who claim that we must tithe?  They surely know about Grace. By telling people that they must tithe, they are making a mockery out of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith.  


Consider this verse: Phil 4:19  God will provide for all of your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus.  

No.  We want you to tithe (and put you under the Law and under a Curse) so that WE don't have to depend on God providing for our needs.  this is Sin as if it is not by faith it is sin.  This is the over whelming proof that telling people that they have to tithe is wrong.

The just shall live by Faith alone.   Heb 10:38

We are not our own, we have been bought at a Price  1 Cor 6 &  7

We have gone to two local churches.  They get the lower pastors to tell you to tithe.  They just might lose their job if they don't.  That would be another sin.  Just ask "are we under Grace or the Law"?  Show me in the new testament what I should give please as the Laws of Moses are now Obsolete

Remember that "all scripture is God breathed and good for teaching, rebuking and training in righteousness. 2 Tim 3:16

It is clear that Paul taught that we are under Grace and Not the Law.  Paul DID NOT teach tithing. Therefore are they teaching a Different Gospel than what Paul taught?  See Gal 1:8

Teaching Tithing therefore is a different Gospel putting people under the curse of the Law and not under Grace.  This is a very serious error in a lot of our Churches.  I wish it were NOT so.

When we go to a church it becomes our house of worship.  It is NOT God's house see Act 17 as He does not live in buildings built by men but he lives in US.  It is our house of worship period.

In closing, tithing violates the clear teaching of Jesus and the sound doctrine of Justification by faith. Because the Apostle Paul never taught it, he taught against the law and hence against tithing. In addition it is different than the Gospel that Paul taught and we must not believe it.  We have new rules in the New Covenant under Grace, freed from the Law.


We must provide for our house of worship and the people working there or we have denied our faith. They are our gifts from God for the edification of the body.  Again it is according to our abilities.

One person commented:

The present day obligatory tithe absolutely goes against God's desire for you to give.  We are called to live lifestyles of giving, in all places and stetting to all people.  The 10% myth sets boundaries and establishes an unhealthy "what is mine and what is God's mentality"

Next subject:  
                         What really was Judas I. sin?

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Who am I?

I will keep this short because it is not about me but the message that I have been given.  I have been called to preach the gospel. In 1980 well praying in the spirit God told me that He would use me in a mighty way and that many would come to know Him though me.  I was totally surprised and answered that I do not under stand but I am a servant of the Lord, use me as you would like to.  The next week I was sent a messenger of God to my house one evening for a very short period of time (era 1980).   My face hit the floor.  I was told, fear not, I shall be with you always.  The 3rd week again after bible study I entered my bedroom to pray and God told me that my wife was committing adultery.  I did not want to believe it but it was truth.  I was in denial.  She was.  Later I would see with a pastor the evil spirit in her.  She was not a christian.

 Many years (95 era) later after praying for someone (who had asked God to help them), I asked Go what to do and He said pray from them from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same.  I did that for over 3 months, I had never prayed that much in my life before or since.  I told that person that I was going to ask God what was wrong and that He would tell me.  God revealed a hidden secret and commanded me to speak for Himself.  I did it and every thing that I told was true.  God was starting the healing of that person.  I was in shock.

 It took me three months to realize that I had been used as a prophet. That is a person who speaks for God.  That has it's good points and not so good points:  blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you falsely for my name sake, in thus manor they did so to the prophets.  era 1995

Two years later while praying the Holy Spirit came upon me like a river. I received a message/calling and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  18 years later I learnt that the same thing had happened to D.L. Moody whom I thought was a music publisher at that time.  I was stunned and responded.  I know Lord that you do not make mistakes but are you sure that you got the right person?   March 1997

When I get the promised gift of healing I will go and preach because people will not believe unless they see miracles.  I am just a servant of the LORD.  No more or less.

My current wife did tell me something strange.  I go to bed earlier than her.  She  has told me that on about 6 occasions she came into the bed room and a light was shining on me.  We don't have such a light in the room.

I want to add this.  It is God who chooses people.  If I lie about anything in this post, then I will most likely lose my salvation, I would have run the race in vain,  So nothing is more important in my life than my salvation.  These things happened.  I look forward to the day I go to preach.

Please understand that this is NOT my plan but God's.  My plan was a much more different than this!!!