Thursday 26 May 2016

What was Judas's Sin?


King David after committing murder and  adultery pleaded with the Lord NOT to take away the Holy Spirit!  He realized that losing or grieving the Holy Spirit was a death sentence.  Today that is so true.

Jesus explained this in part in Matthew 12:40 when He said that the unclean spirit comes back and finds the house Empty he goes and gets 7 more unclean spirits so that in the end the person is far, far worst than in the beginning.  He can not come back to Christ Hebr: 6:6 as Christ would have to be re-crucified again and that is NOT going to happen ever.

That is one reason that we must always respect and fear God and to work out our salvation with much fear and trembling, Philippians 2:12

There are 3 major sins that we all have to watch out for:  

1.  Sex or adultery.

2.  Love of Money or Greed

see Matthew 16:24 Jesus said if you want to follow after me you must deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me.  also Matthew 6:24 you can not serve two masters and Matthew 6:21 show me where your treasure is and I will show you where your heart is.

3.  Ego or Power - thinking that we are something which we are not

All of the above sins have one thing in common.  SELF

As a Christian if you want to follow after Christ you MUST deny your SELF, pick up your cross and follow Christ.  Matth 16:24

Thus being a Christian is completely opposite to the things of the world and we must be on guard for these in ourselves and in others.

People, God sees and knows everything.  We MUST NOT GRIEVE the Holy Spirit or He will leave us and we will be finished.  so we must work out our salvation with much fear and trembling

Does God Heal People?

I believe 100% that God can and does heal people.  But if a person really has the gift of healing then we will see that the blind can see and the lame can walk.

We can heal ourselves in many things just by believing.  We can not how ever fix a broken liver or eyes or lower our cholesterol level.  Only God can do that.

There is a very, very, very powerful thing in this world and in us called the 

Placebo Effect

This is a way more than just sugar pills.  I refer you to the Nature of Things:  Brain Magic:  The Placebo Effect and the book called the Placebo Effect.

As a retired nurse I was blown away by what I saw.  It is incredibly powerful effect.  It has been used for 100's of years to fool people.  Your pain may go away.

If a person does not have documented healing of real medical conditions like liver or organ complete repair, or other physical things then it is most likely the Placebo Effect.  People who want to get better are given pills and told that they will help them.  They start seeing results and when they are told that the pills are only sugar they still do not want to give them up as they believe that they are helping them.

Again, I am not saying that God doesn't heal but you must first rule out the Placebo Effect.  Drug companies hate the Placebo Effect as it really messes up their studies.

This is Important:

Now when someone says that they have the gift of healing compare side by side what they can do to what Jesus or Paul did regarding healing and the Placebo Effect.  If it appears a certain way, it usually is.

We all want to give Jesus the praise and glory in all things.  He also told us to TEST ALL THINGS.

What was Judas Iscariot's Sin?

We find this in John 12 when Mary anoints the Lord with expensive spikenard.  Judas Iscariot  comments why wasn't this sold for 300 denari and the money given to the poor?   He did this not because he cared about the poor but because he kept the money purse and used to take for himself what was put into it.

In no particular order as it is difficult to order them,

1.  He refused to follow Jesus's teaching about helping the poor
2.  He refused to deny him SELF
3.  He was not thankful for being chosen (the thankless will not enter God's Kingdom 1 Cor 6)
4.  He had no respect for God -  you don't lie to or steal from someone you respect
5.  He was a thief 
6.  He betrayed Christ

Judas Iscariot like all of the other 11 disciples had been given the power earlier to heal and to cast out demons from people.  They all agreed that Jesus was the SON OF GOD.  So he grieved the Holy Spirit and it left him but then Satan entered him.  He was Not working out his salvation with much fear and trembling.  The Apostle Paul was given the Gift of Healing but Never writes about his ability to forgive sins.  Only God can forgive us our sins, no any other person on this earth can do that.  Matthew

Ask yourself how much money did Judas take for himself?  Did he wear the finest Italian sandals, the finest robes, etc?  No.  Everyone would have seen that.  Therefore he stole a tiny amount of money compared to what some people are taking for themselves today.  People who do this are thieves no matter how much they take.

A beautiful thing today in the USA but not in Canada is that you can Google the Net Worth of somebody.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

What does the Apostle Paul think about People using Christ to get Rich?

I will use 1 Tim 6.  Tim is told to TEACH AND EXHORT these thing.

"If any man teach otherwise and consent NOT to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing , but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmising. " 3,4

Stop for a moment.  What are the sound teachings of Jesus?  see Mathew

"You can not serve two masters"

"If you want to follow after me You must deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me"

"Show me where your treasure is and I will show you where your heart is"

Also Gal 3 about preaching a different Gospel

Now we return to 1 Tim 6 5-21

"Perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: 


"But godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  Having food and raiment let us be there with content"

But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition"

"For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

"But thou O man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness"

Please read the rest of this chapter in you bible.

The Apostle Paul said it well.

Remember this:


Benny Hinn's Betrayal of Christ

I recall seeing Hinn speaking about bring tithing into his Church to get more money in Mississauga, Ontario, back in the 70's.  Many members on the board did not agree with him.  See my post of tithing.  This is NOT sound New Covenant Doctrine to preach tithing.  It violates the teachings of Jesus, it is not found in the NT, it violates the Doctrine of Justification by Faith.

Some time after this, he started claiming that he had the gift of healing.  It is most possible he used the very false doctrine called "name it and claim it".  You can not claim spiritual gifts.  They are given to us by God.  People are again mis-quoting scripture here.

You can't will yourself to have the gift of healing.  If you have it you will do things that greatly exceed the Placebo Effect.  In over 30 years it has never been documented and he would surely be telling you so if it had happened.  He should have 10,000's of these if he really had the gift of healing.

I truly wished that Hinn had the gift of healing.  My wife and I went to his Toronto show in 1997.  I watched the body language of David Mainse from 100 Huntley St.  who did NOT want to be there and left as early as he could.  Then we listened to Hinn's personal doctor (why would he need one?) speak for 10 min on a rare condition that a person on the stage claimed Hinn had healed him of in New York.  If is so rare I asked myself, how is it that you seem to know so much about it.  It seem to me to have been a "plant" or a phoney paid for healing claim.  I wonder just how many people he hires to do this at his shows?  Some people post that Hinn stays away from people in wheelchairs.  I did not feel at any time that the Holy Spirit was with Hinn and I had just received the anointing of the Holy Spirit (like D. L.  Moody  this is not to be confused with the baptism of the HS which I received era 1980).  We deeply regretted going there.  On line searched yielded terrible complaints.

Wake up please.  Look at how Jesus and Paul healed people.  Blind and Lame people and ALL sick people were healed.  see   Mark 6:53 all were healed

Look at the Placebo Effect:  Limited but big

Look at Benny Hinn:  Same as Placebo but No documented healings

Conclusion:  Placebo Effect - Not the Holy Spirit.  He totally contradicts sound Christian Scriptures.

Net Worth: $42,000,000.00  To get that much money he would have had to pay himself over


"For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

That means that he has taken the FOOD out of the mouths of over 300,000 children where this money was sent in to help people.  How many other people in this organization have gotten rich?


Do you really believe that the HS would NOT be grieved by such a person and leave that person?

In short, HE IS A CON MAN.  A lover of himself, a lover of money.  2 Tim 3.2

He is also a false prophet.  Remember the 1994-5 Hinn said that all homo sexuals will be burnt up by God?

It didn't happen.  So he should be stoned according to the OT.

What are you to do?  

1 Tim 6:5       From such withdraw your selves.  

He is preaching a different gospel than Paul and Christ did.

Because he is also preaching a different gospel this must be addressed by the Churches.  Most remain silent rather than to expose such a person.  Why?  It is not just because he is preaching for "his belly sake" but rather Hinn is preaching a different gospel period.  He is not alone in this regard

Because they refuse to love the truth, I God will send you a powerful delusion that you will believe the lie.  2 Thes 2:11

There will come a time that they will NOT put up with sound doctrine and gather a great number of teachers to tell them what their itching ears want to hear. 2 Tim 4:3

We are in the end time and will see such things as this.

Next blog:  The Ten Commandments are for today also.

next False teachings and doctrines that you must avoid.

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