Wednesday 18 May 2016

Who am I?

I will keep this short because it is not about me but the message that I have been given.  I have been called to preach the gospel. In 1980 well praying in the spirit God told me that He would use me in a mighty way and that many would come to know Him though me.  I was totally surprised and answered that I do not under stand but I am a servant of the Lord, use me as you would like to.  The next week I was sent a messenger of God to my house one evening for a very short period of time (era 1980).   My face hit the floor.  I was told, fear not, I shall be with you always.  The 3rd week again after bible study I entered my bedroom to pray and God told me that my wife was committing adultery.  I did not want to believe it but it was truth.  I was in denial.  She was.  Later I would see with a pastor the evil spirit in her.  She was not a christian.

 Many years (95 era) later after praying for someone (who had asked God to help them), I asked Go what to do and He said pray from them from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same.  I did that for over 3 months, I had never prayed that much in my life before or since.  I told that person that I was going to ask God what was wrong and that He would tell me.  God revealed a hidden secret and commanded me to speak for Himself.  I did it and every thing that I told was true.  God was starting the healing of that person.  I was in shock.

 It took me three months to realize that I had been used as a prophet. That is a person who speaks for God.  That has it's good points and not so good points:  blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you falsely for my name sake, in thus manor they did so to the prophets.  era 1995

Two years later while praying the Holy Spirit came upon me like a river. I received a message/calling and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  18 years later I learnt that the same thing had happened to D.L. Moody whom I thought was a music publisher at that time.  I was stunned and responded.  I know Lord that you do not make mistakes but are you sure that you got the right person?   March 1997

When I get the promised gift of healing I will go and preach because people will not believe unless they see miracles.  I am just a servant of the LORD.  No more or less.

My current wife did tell me something strange.  I go to bed earlier than her.  She  has told me that on about 6 occasions she came into the bed room and a light was shining on me.  We don't have such a light in the room.

I want to add this.  It is God who chooses people.  If I lie about anything in this post, then I will most likely lose my salvation, I would have run the race in vain,  So nothing is more important in my life than my salvation.  These things happened.  I look forward to the day I go to preach.

Please understand that this is NOT my plan but God's.  My plan was a much more different than this!!!

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